
License # 719286
Steve Huff
Sick Building Syndrome

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Used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause has been identified.


Indicators of Sick Building Syndrome

Building occupants complain of symptoms associated with acute discomfort, e.g., headache; eye, nose, or throat irritation; dry cough; dry or itchy skin; dizziness and nausea; difficulty in concentrating; fatigue; and sensitivity to odors. The cause of the symptoms is not known. Most of the people who complained reported relief soon after leaving the building.


Solving the Problem (Locating the Source)

While investigating remember, that mold generally needs a moisture source and a food source to survive. Poorly configured landscape irrigation or inadequate drainage outside the building can result in moisture inside the building. This can lead to subsequent mold growth.


If you have any further questions call our indoor air quality expert

Stephen Huff at 1 800 358-3828